very interstingly the Haggada's story starts from a point  in time that is much early than just the story of BN"I being slaves in egypt. as matter of a fact the haggada story starts even before Avraham our father, and takes us through a brif historical reviwe of  our faters avraham yitzchak and yaakov. we read a lot about yaakov our father at Lavan's house and more.... the perpouse of this story going far and long is to make us understand that we are not just telling a story from the past rather telling the story of the jewish nation in all generations ..... this isnt a history class but a true jewish life lesson about heretige and destiny. its our story of past present and future. pls note this is one of the MAIN mitzvot of the year telling this story around the table is making our Emonah in Hashem stronger and making our connection with hashem deeper.  yes the words that we are saying at the table reach far and deep. 

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story