. there is a  minhag to bring the washing cup to your parents at the table so they don't have to leave the seder table in order to wash. This is for 2 reasons. 1: to show appreciation to our parents who have worked so hard to put the seder table togther. 2: to  help our parents feel like royalty at their table . The need to wash hands [netilat yadaim][ before eating vegetables that are dipped in water was only a halachick requirement  in time of beit hamikdash when we kept all the laws of Tomaa and Taharah. The reason we do it on seder night  is to make us think of the Beit  Hamikdash time. The Beit Hamikdash played  an important rulle on Pesach- The Korban Pesach. Many things that we do during the Seder night comes to remind us of the Beit Hamikdash and we try to remind oursleves to be as close to the Beit Hamikdash ways as possible

haggadah Section: Urchatz