The Hagaddah - An Introductoral Comparison To Our Daily Life - Max

This night is called the Seder night. Seder is hebrew and means translated structure. The Seder night is called like that for a good reason, cause it follows a certain structure, given by the Hagaddah. She is our very own personal project manager for the evening and gives us a pretty strict order of what to do and when to do it. That means for example, we can’t first eat and then have the other parts while that. But Wehre is the space for spontanity? Indeed there is space for own traditions and customs, but still a Pessach Seder is going to be more or less the same all around the world. Why do we actually need such a kind of order in our Pessach meal? Let’s take it even further? Why do we need order in our life anyways? Let’s compare the order that we have on pessach to the general order that we have in our daily life. Our daily life actually also follows an order: We have to plan our completely lifestyle around the three prayers of the day, that give our life an important structure: Shaharit, Minha and Arvit. Shaharit gives us the opportunity to set our spiritual and non-spiritual goals for the day, while Minha gives time to remind us of those goals. At Arvit we can reflect, if we achieved those goals. In order to achieve our goals in life we need this structure. Our goal for the Seder night is redemption. And as well as in our daily life we need also in the Seder night an order to achieve that goal. How we’re gonna achieve that goal, we’re gonna see on the following pages. Have fun with this amazing memory of an amazing night. I wish you all a nice evening and hope you will achieve the goal of the seder night as well as your spiritual and non-spiritual goals in daily life. Chag Sameach ve BeShana Habaa Birushalayim! Max Ezra

haggadah Section: Introduction