Welcome to my haggadah! I have created this haggadah for our military serving overseas during Passover.

My dad was a Naval Officer for seven years and has told me lots of stories, including those about celebrating the Jewish holidays while he was deployed. One of the things he mentioned was that his ship (USS Theodore Roosevelt) did not have a lot of siddurim or other ritual items to use. They got creative and made the best of the situation but I thought that for my Bat Mitzvah project, it would be nice to create a haggadah for you to use while you're away from your families during the seder.

I hope you enjoy reading and using this and I wish you a very happy Passover. During the seder, we say, "Next year in Jerusalem" but I think for you it might be nice to also add, "Next year at home with my family and friend!"

Thank you very much for your service.

Aliya Dworkin

haggadah Section: Introduction