• Spring and all its flowers
  • It is time for celebration, not for lying low;
  • You too -- weed out those roots of sadness from your heart.
  • The Sabaa wind arrives;
  • and in deep resonance, the flower
  • passionately rips open its garments,
  • thrusting itself from itself.
  • The Way of Truth, learn from the clarity of water,
  • Learn freedom from the spreading grass.
  • Pay close attention to the artistry of the Sabaa wind,
  • that wafts in pollen from afar,
  • And ripples the beautiful tresses
  • of the fields of hyacinth flowers.
  • From the privacy of the harem, the virgin bud slips out,
  • revealing herself under the morning star,
  • branding your heart and your faith
  • with beauty.
  • And frenzied bulbul flies madly out of the House of Sadness
  • to unite with the flowers;
  • its love-crazed cry like a thousand-trumpet blast.
  • Hafez says, and the experienced old ones concur:
  • All you really need
  • is to tell those Stories
  • of the Fair Ones and the Goblet of Wine.

haggadah Section: Karpas
Source: Hafiz