The beloved Chassidic master, Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev (1740-1810) argued that we have adopted the wrong greeting for Passover. He suggested that we switch the greeting with the one we say on Purim. “On Purim one greets their friend with the words ‘A Freilichen Purim’ (A Joyous Purim) and on Passover we say ‘A Kasherin Pesach’ (A Kosher Passover). It should be just the opposite. On Purim we should remind one another to observe the day in a ‘kosher way’, not going overboard in our merriment or drinking.”

“However on Pesach,” said the Rebbe, “we don't need reminders to observe it with all its strictures and laws. That we all know. We need to be reminded that there is nothing more important than joy in order to make Passover memorable and uplifting.”

This teaching offers us a unique perspective especially this year. Although we face many distractions and there is tension and anxiety, Seder night must be joyful and fun. Maybe more so now than ever. There is no place for melancholy.

haggadah Section: Introduction