The Hiding of the J-32 Centrifuge Rotor

Leader (displays two centrifuge rotors):  Earlier in the ceremony, there were three centrifuge rotors.  Following our tradition, a member of our group has taken one of the centrifuge rotors and hidden it.  By tradition, we now ask everyone who had it last.  Was it you? 

Participant:  No.  Was it you? 

Participant:  No.  Was it you? 

Participant:  No.  Was it you? 

Participant:  No.  Was it you? 

Participant:  No. 

Leader: The ceremony cannot continue until the centrifuge rotor has been found.  We now offer bribes or threats to anyone who can tell us anything about its location. 

Participant:  I haven't seen it in weeks 

Participant:  Never used it. 

Participant:  What's a centrifuge? 

haggadah Section: Tzafun
Source: A Graduate Student Haggadah