At this point, we’re at a crossroads: make the Koreich sandwich? Koreich pizza? Odd stuff on a cracker? The struggle is real, and it’s all part of remembering the struggles of our ancestors. 

It’s similar to when Rose, Dorothy, and Sophia all had a problem and didn’t know what to do. “It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times.” It went in lots of directions, but it ended with a pepperoni swimming upstream. So yeah, it’s kind of delusional, but that’s where we are because we’re so hungry. 

All that said, Sophia’s story helped Dorothy decide what to eat for dinner: pizza! So let’s make ourselves a little Golden Koreich pizza.

Take the bitter herb, mix it with some horseradish, or whatever your family’s custom is, add some charoset and then say…

“This is what Hillel did, at the time that the Temple stood. He wrapped up some Pesach lamb, some matzah and some bitter herbs and ate them together.”

SOURCE: Golden Girls S3E11 “Three on a Couch”

haggadah Section: Koreich
Source: H. Alan Scott