Go out and learn:

What did Pharaoh's daughter wish to teach the children of Israel when she felt compassion for one of the Hebrew boys and brought him up as her son?

That all who raise an orphan boy or girl in their homes is regarded by the Torah as if they gave birth to that child ( Talmud Megillah 13a ).

Therefore the Holy One said to Pharaoh's daughter: "Moshe was not your son, yet you raised him, so too you are not my daughter by birth but I will call you my daughter, Bat-ya." ( Midrash Leviticus 1:3 )

From this we learn that "there are righteous Gentiles who have a portion in the wold-to-come" ( Tosefta Sanhedrin 13:2 ). In every generation the Divine Shechinah spreads its wings over us and raises up men and women from the Jewish people and from the nations of the world whose courage and spiritual strength save us from arbitrariness, from terror and from indifference that "rise against us to annihilate us."

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: Rabbi Einat Ramon - "A Night to Remember"