
This papercut is about redemption — which is, of course, more than no longer being slaves; it is being truly free people, owning our destiny and moving forward. I have represented freedom with outstretched hands, backed with numerous cut-up comic book pieces featuring people of many races and backgrounds — because none of us can be truly free until we are all free. The background is composed of cut-up and re-stitched pieces from the “Blackest Night” comic book series, in which heroes are killed and brought back in an existence that mimics life but isn’t; they are controlled by an evil force that uses them against one another. Freedom is more than action; it is owning ourselves and our intentions and being free to serve God and ourselves.

Copyright by Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik. This work is shared here for use as part of, and is not to be otherwise distributed or used without permission of the artist.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: Original