How many of these can you answer in a minute…!!!


1. Why do we eat Matzah on Passover?

2. Name the Four Sons?

3. How many cups of wine do we drink at the Seder? 

4. What things connected with Seder night are associated with the number four? 

5. Why four cups of wine? 

6. What is the fourth plague? 

7. Why do we dip in the Charoset? 

8. What does the shank bone remind us of? 

9. Can you say all ten plagues in order?

10. Can you say the ten plagues backwards? 

11. Who am I? I am the last thing you eat before you bensch, say the blessing after the meal. There are often lots of fights over who hides me and who finds me. Who am I? 

12. Who am I? I am one of the key figures in the story of the going out of Egypt. I lost my whole army and half my country in my stubbornness. Who am I?

13. Who am I? I am one of the plagues. I made the Egyptians itch like crazy all over. Who am I?

14. Who am I? My name does not appear once in the Haggadah, but I went several times to Pharoah with my brother to try and persuade him to let the Jewish people go. Who am I? 

15. Who do we fill a cup for on the Seder table and hope he comes and joins our Seder?.


1. To remind us of the dough that didn’t have time to rise as our forefathers were rushed out of Egypt.

2. The Wise, The Wicked, The Simple and the Child Who Doesn't Know How to Ask 

3. Four.

4. Four sons, four cups of wine, four questions.

5. To celebrate our freedom.

6. Whild beasts/ ערוב

7. The Charoset represents the cement that the Jews used to cement the bricks together in their slavery. Today we dip as a sign of freedom.

8. The Passover lamb which our forefathers sacrificed to God when they came out of Egypt.

9. Blood, frogs, lice, wild beasts, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, plague of the firstborn.

10. Plague of the firsborn, darkness, locusts, hail, boils, pestilence, wild beasts, lice, frogs, blood.

11. The Afikoman.

12. Pharoah.

13. Lice.

14. Moses.

15. Elijah.

haggadah Section: Songs