Pharaoh and the Ten Plagues

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
He looked out the window and here's what he said,
"OY VEY! The Nile River has all turned red!!!"
Red here, red there, red water flowing everywhere!
(move hands like flowing water)
Flowing, flowing everywhere, flowing, flowing everywhere,
Red here, red there, red water flowing everywhere!

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
There were frogs on his bed and frogs on his head
Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes,
Frogs here, frogs there, frogs were jumping everywhere!
(jump like frogs)
Jumping, jumping everywhere, jumping, jumping everywhere,
Frogs here, frogs there, frogs were jumping everywhere!
Flowing, flowing everywhere… (red water)

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
There were lice on his bed and lice on his head
Lice on his nose and lice on his toes,
Lice here, lice there, lice were biting everywhere!
(move hands like mouths biting - similar to crab claws)
Biting, biting everywhere, biting biting everywhere,
Lice here, lice there, lice were biting everywhere!
Jumping, jumping everywhere… (frogs)
Flowing, flowing everywhere… (red water)

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
There were beasts on his bed and beasts on his head
Beasts on his nose and beasts on his toes,
Beasts here, beasts there, beasts were howling everywhere!
(make howling sounds - sorry for the noise, teachers!!!)
Howling, howling everywhere, howling, howling everywhere,
Beasts here, beasts there, beasts were howling everywhere!
Biting, biting everywhere… (lice)
Jumping, jumping everywhere… (frogs)
Flowing, flowing everywhere… (red water)

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
And all the cows were dropping dead!
They dropped on their nose and they dropped on their toes,
Dropping here, dropping there, cows were dropping everywhere!
(drop to the floor)
Dropping, dropping everywhere, dropping, dropping everywhere,
Dropping here, dropping there, cows were dropping everywhere!
Howling, howling everywhere… (beasts)
Biting, biting everywhere… (lice)
Jumping, jumping everywhere… (frogs)
Flowing, flowing everywhere… (red water)

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
There were boils on his bed and boils on his head
Boils on his nose and boils on his toes,
Boils here, boils there, boils were itching everywhere!
(pretend to scratch)
Itching, itching everywhere, itching, itching everywhere,
Boils here, boils there, boils were itching everywhere!
Dropping, dropping everywhere… (cows)
Howling, howling everywhere… (beasts)
Biting, biting everywhere… (lice)
Jumping, jumping everywhere… (frogs)
Flowing, flowing everywhere… (red water)

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
There was hail on his bed and hail on his head
Hail on his nose and hail on his toes,
Hail here, hail there, hail was falling everywhere!
(move fingers like hail falling down - similar to rain falling motion)
Falling, falling everywhere, falling, falling everywhere,
Hail here, hail there, hail was falling everywhere!
Itching, itching everywhere… (boils)
Dropping, dropping everywhere… (cows)
Howling, howling everywhere… (beasts)
Biting, biting everywhere… (lice)
Jumping, jumping everywhere… (frogs)
Flowing, flowing everywhere… (red water)

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
There were locusts on his bed and locusts on his head
Locusts on his nose and locusts on his toes,
Locusts here, locusts there, locusts were hopping everywhere!
(hop on one foot)
Hopping, hopping everywhere, hopping, hopping everywhere,
Locusts here, locusts there, locusts were hopping everywhere!
Falling, falling everywhere… (hail)
Itching, itching everywhere… (boils)
Dropping, dropping everywhere… (cows)
Howling, howling everywhere… (beasts)
Biting, biting everywhere… (lice)
Jumping, jumping everywhere… (frogs)
Flowing, flowing everywhere… (red water)

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
In the middle of the day, it was dark instead,
It was dark on his nose and it was dark on his toes,
Darkness here, darkness there, darkness covered everywhere!
(cover eyes)
Darkness, darkness everywhere, darkness, darkness everywhere,
Darkness here, darkness there, darkness covered everywhere!
Hopping, hopping everywhere… (locusts)
Falling, falling everywhere… (hail)
Itching, itching everywhere… (boils)
Dropping, dropping everywhere… (cows)
Howling, howling everywhere… (beasts)
Biting, biting everywhere… (lice)
Jumping, jumping everywhere… (frogs)
Flowing, flowing everywhere… (red water)

One morning Pharaoh awoke in his bed,
He saw God's Angel over his head,
This time Pharaoh gave a great shout,

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning