A few words about the karpas:

Karpas is an item on the Seder plate which represents spring. Many families use a green, leafy vegetable because the color green invokes the idea of freshness, coming alive, and being healthy- some of the wonderful things that go along with freedom. But when families do not have enough resources they cannot always get fresh fruits and vegetables. In the past in Eastern Europe, it was often difficult to get fresh green vegetables, so a tradition began to use potatoes, which were easier to store and cheaper to buy or grow. When we say the prayer over the karpas we feel blessed that all of us here can eat fresh and healthy vegetables every day, and we dip in the saltwater to not only remember the tears our people shed as slaves, but also to remember all of the children who still do not have access to fresh, green vegetables today.

haggadah Section: Karpas