[All sing:] O Freedom! O Freedom! O Freedom over me! And before I'd be a slave I'd be buried in my grave And go home to my Lord and be free! No more killing...No more hunger ...No more pollution..., etc.

[Someone says:] We join at the time of Passover to connect our separate stories in the telling of new freedom. Our telling cannot end tonight. We must name and number the different tribes to carry on the journey. We have a wilderness of change to cross before we can enter a new time of greater justice, greater freedom, greater peace, and deeper healing. To begin this process, on this very night we will exchange our addresses and we will talk about the actions we feel drawn to take. [Hand around a paper for name, organization, address, phone. Email. One person might start the process by suggesting an action. Allow time for conversation.]

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: SEDER FOR THE EARTH: Facing the Plagues & Pharaohs of Our Generation, Shalom Center