All Sing:
B'chol Dor Vador "In Every Generation"
© Linda Hirschhorn

B'chol dor vador 4x
In every generation we relive a time
we fled out of a narrow place with freedom on our mind
B'chol ...

We recall how we were dancing when we saw the waters part
how we stood as one at Sinai and felt that Godbeat in our heart
B'chol ..

Now we chant the ancient prayers even as we sing new songs
weave our future with the past keep the spirit in us strong
B'chol ...

Sing of Miriam sing of Deborah sing of Emma sing of Szold
in every generation there's a story to be told
B'chol ...

Our rejoicing is a mixture of the bitter and the sweet
until all live in freedom our journey's not complete
B'chol ...

We must put an end to hunger hatred crime and war
in every generation that's what we're striving for

Oh yes in every generation we relive a time
we fled out of a narrow place with freedom on our mind

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: SEDER FOR THE EARTH: Facing the Plagues & Pharaohs of Our Generation, Shalom Center