Fourth Cup Of WIne

Although this year we are not as free as always, we are confined to our homes or wherever we are stranded, we still have a freedom that many in the world do not have. Let us be appreciative of that which we do have and always remember and fight for those less fortunate than we.

(The Cup of Responsibility, The Liberated Haggadah, Rabbi Peter Schweitzer)

Tonight we are free, while so many remain enslaved.

Let us not stand idly by.

Let us work to bring them freedom too.

Tonight we are free, while so many remain embittered.

Let us not stand idly by.

Let us work to bring them gladness too.

For freedom does not come by chance.

It is born of earnest struggle.

It is the gift of life, which we must now bring to others.

Precious is the life within the world.

Precious in the life within us.

Praised are those who bring forth the fruit of the vine


haggadah Section: Hallel