Four times the Torah bids us tell our children of the exodus from Egypt. Four times the Torah repeats: "And you shall tell your child on that day...." From this, our tradition infers that there are four different kinds of children: the wise, the one who does not care, the innocent, and the one who is still too young to ask.

The wise child, who is eager to learn, asks:What is the meaning of all we hear and see and eat at this service, and why are we all here?

To the wise child, we say: This order of service is held to remind us, year after year, of wonders that happened to us long ago! All that we will say, and all we will be shown, is in obedience to a commandment that we should re-live the night on which we were brought forth from Egypt. Thus, we come together once again to give thanks for God's goodness.

The child who does not care, standing apart from the rest of us asks: Why do you have this service?

We reach out to this child and say: Why have you said you and not we? We are all part of the answer. We keep this festival because of what God did for us when we came forth out of Egypt. Listen with us, learn from the seder. The story of freedom joins us all together.

The innocent child asks: What is this about? In response, we say: Adonai brought us out of Egypt, out of the House of Bondage. As you listen with us, you will begin to understand.

The fourth child is still unable to ask. For the sake of this child and for the delight of us all, we will tell the whole story of Passover.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: MRT