(sung to the tune of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”) (by Gary Teblum and Dan Ochman)

Four times during our seder
We drink wine
There's a prayer that I say then
Each and every time.

Four times during our seder
Cups filled high,
Though it’s just Manischevitz
Please give it one more try.

Someday we’ll upgrade to boutique
Our seder would be quite unique
And sassy.

We’ll serve a Kosher Chardonnay
Or a merlot, what would you say?
We’d be so classy

Four times during our seder
We drink wine
There's a prayer that I say then
Each and every time.

Baruch atah adonai said
Borei Peri
Hagafen, then amen.

haggadah Section: Kadesh