The Four Sons- A parents response

Wise child asks insightful questions and believes in Hashem. A parent should praise the question and answer it with as much detail to encourage more questions

The evil son does not ask questions. He makes statements which are meant as an attack. A parent should not answer the child as there was not a question.

The simple child asks questions with no insight. A parent shouldn't just give a one word answer. They should answer back with questions to encourage a more insightful question.

The Child that doesn't know how to ask does not ask questions because he is afraid of making a mistake. A parent should engage in conversation to increase the child's confidence.

Discussion points

In the course of our lives or even in one day we often take on all 4 roles: wise, wicked, simple, not knowing how to ask.

Rabbi Israel Salanter

In my judgement it is better to be a bad person who knows he is bad than a righteous one who knows that he is bad than a righteous one w3ho knows that he is righteous. Worst of all is to be a wicked person who think he is righteous.                     Seer of Lublin

haggadah Section: -- Four Children