Traditionally, The Four Sons (or Children) include a wise son, a wicked (or rebellious) son, a simple son and one who does not even know enough to ask. Each of the first three ask questions about the Seder.

Wise:   "Explain all this to me - what are my responsibilities?"

Wicked:  "What has all this nonsense you are babbling about got to do with me?"

Simple:  "What IS all this anyway?"

The fourth is silent - requiring the adults to be proactive in providing an explanation of the Seder proceedings.

Some say that The Four Children is a metaphor for four different attitudes toward tradition, toward belonging and toward being active or passive in the face of injustice. Some say it is about stages of life, from childhood, through adolescence and into adulthood (and, potentially, back again toward old age).

haggadah Section: -- Four Children