A reader: Why is this night different from all other nights?

All: On all other nights we may gather in groups formed by family of origin, common interests, career, education, or proximity, but on this night we gather as queer Jews, to share in our common intersectional identity. We speak of the history that ties us together, and the future that we strive to build.

A reader: Why on all other nights do we sit straight up at the table, but on this night we recline?

All: On other nights, we may have to hold ourselves rigid, afraid to be Jewish or afraid to be queer. We hold tension in ourselves, and cannot relax in safety. On this night, we allow that tension to fade, as we enjoy a room safe from anger, judgement, and misconceptions.

A reader: Why on all other nights do we only use bitter foods to accent our meal, but tonight we eat them twice?

All: On all other nights, we try to push the pain of injustice to the back of our mind, but tonight we pause twice to acknowledge the work that is yet to be done in our queer liberation.

A reader: Why on all other nights do we eat leavened bread products, but tonight we eat only matzah?

All: On all other nights we take the time to allow bread to rise. Tonight we hurry. We cannot wait to see our bread rise. We demand change now. When allies and privileged queers tell us to take our time, because change will come eventually, we hand them matzah. "Now," we demand. "Change must come now."

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions
Source: Galia Godel