The Four Questions


The telling of the story of slavery to freedom begins with a young person asking four questions.  Why do we ask the same questions year after year?Because as we grow and change, the questions and answers take on new meanings. Because as we grow and change, we understand that there is no right answer. Because as we grow and change, a different one among us may be asking the questions for the first time.

 To ask questions is to acknowledge first that we do not live in isolation, that we need each other. To ask questions is to signal our desire to grow and learn. By admitting what we do not know, we take the steps toward greater knowledge and learning. Asking questions is a sign of our freedom.)

Ma nish-ta-na ha-lai-lah ha-zeh mi-kol ha-lei-lot?

All read the questions in English Why is this night different from all other nights?

 Why on any other night can we eat either leavened or unleavened bread but tonight we eat only unleavened bread called matzah?

 Why on any other night can we eat any kind of herbs but tonight only bitter herbs?  

Why on any other night do we not dip even once but on this night we dip twice?  

Why on any other night can we eat and drink either sitting or reclining but tonight we only recline?

 We also ask these questions as samples to get us started with our own questions. As each of you look around this table, now is a good time to ask a question.


haggadah Section: -- Four Questions
Source: original