The telling of the story of Passover is framed as a discussion with questions and answers. The tradition that the youngest person asks the questions reflects the idea of involving everyone at the Seder. 

Ma nishtana halaila hazen mikol haleilot?

Why is this night different from all other nights?

1. Why do we eat only Matzoh on Pesach and not all kinds of breads and crackers like other nights?
"She-be-chol ha-lelot anu ochlin chametz u-matza, ha-laila ha-zeh kulo matza?"

When Pharaoh finally ordered Jews to get out of Egypt after the tenth plague, they were in such a hurry to get away from slavery that they hadn't time to let their dough rise and bake their bread. Thus, they took the raw dough with them on their journey and baked it into hard crackers in the hot desert called Matzoh. Thus, we eat only Matzoh on this day to remind us of their struggles.

2. Why do we eat bitter herbs or Maror at our Seder?
"She-be-chol ha-lelot anu ochlin she-ar yetajit, ha-laila ha-zeh moror?"

Maror or the bitter herbs are eaten to remind us of the bitterness of slavery and harsh and cruel ways in which Jewish people were treated as slaves under the Pharaoh in Egypt.

3. At our Seder, why do we dip the parsley in salt water and the bitter herbs in Charoset?
"She-be-chol ha-lelot en anu matbilin afilu pa'am echat, ha-laila ha-zeh shetay fe'amim?"

Parsley represents new life and spring while salt water represents tears of Hebrew slaves and how hard the Jewish slaves worked in Egypt. Parsley dipped in salt water thus represents new life that emerged from the tears and hardship of the Jewish slaves. Bitter herbs dipped into Charoset represent the bitter days of slavery. Charoset the mixture of chopped apples and nuts has a coarse texture like clay used to make bricks for the Pharaoh's buildings.

4. Why do we lean on a pillow while eating tonight and do not sit straight like other nights?
"She-be-chol ha-lelot anu ochlin bayn yoshvin u-vayn mseubin, ha-laila ha-zeh kelanu mesubin?"

Leaning on a pillow signifies the comforts of freedom. As slaves, our ancestors had little comforts. Thus, we lean on a pillow to assert that we are free now we can sit straight or lean on a pillow as much as we like. And because of the efforts and hardships endured by the ancestors, we now enjoy the comforts and leisure's of a relaxed life.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions