Four Questions
(Robyn Shoulson, Passover 2012 "The Street where you live," from “My Fair Lady”)

I have often sat, for a meal before,
But there's something here tonight I didn't feel before,
And so what has changed
That it feels so strange?
Why is this meal so different tonight?

Where's those fluffy rolls, that I like to eat,
That I always like to dip in gravy with the meat?
Now there's Matza – flat,
Dry and crumbly.
Just one way that it’s different tonight.

And oh! Those wonderful greens plates –
Steamed, sauteéd, or frittered or plain.
Tonight, we remember our mean state,
We eat bitter herbs – horseradish or romaine.

We have dips tonight – no, not the salsa plate.
And we're sitting at an angle (not upright and straight).
These are only four,
Yet I'm sure there's more
Things so strange and so different tonight!

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions