Four other questions


The four questions are sung by the youngest who can.  He or she asks four questions that aren't really the crux of the seder.  Why do we lean or dip twice?  Yet we recite them in song every year and adults will typcially go around the room answering using the dull text in the traditional hagaddah.  We do this becuase it is familiar.  It's tradition.

Perhaps it's this same reason women are not progressing in society as we should.  What would the comfort level be on an airplane if a woman's voice spoke through the sound system and greeted everyone with a "hello, this is your pilot speaking."  Why do women sneak a tampon up their sleeve when running to the bathroom?  Why is there not a relable birth control for men? Why do women now work outside the home but continue to be the primary caretaker for children and handle most of the domestic duties?

Tonight, as we read our four questions in the name of tradition, we will follow up with some other questions.  Feel free to ask some of your own questions.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions