Tonight, we will drink from four cups of wine to honor the four stages on the path of liberation. We were once slaves in Egypt, and now we are free. It our duty as Jews and as humans to acknowledge the events that brought us to where we are today and to lend a hand to those still seeking liberation. 

As we drink these cups of wine, we will be acutely aware of what they represent.

1. Becoming aware of oppression

2. Opposing oppression

3. Imagining alternatives

4. Accepting personal and communal responsibility to act.

This first cup is the cup of of awareness: learning to recognize the reality of oppression. Let us close our eyes and take a moment of silence to ruminate on the reality of oppression: What oppression means to you, how we as Jews still face oppression, and others around the world facing oppression at this very moment. 

haggadah Section: Kadesh