The Four Sons Raps

The story of the Jewish traverse

Is one that is undeniably diverse

So we meet here to converse

That’s the purpose of this verse:

Four sons, and each one speaks in turn

About a history he didn’t earn

Just inherited, but is expected to defend

Keeping traditions alive, so they don’t end

The wise son accepts this legacy

Tells the tale with joy and glee

Of how his ancestors broke free

He tells it all like it was he

Another one is wicked

Doesn’t care where he descended

His past, he won’t even mention

Focuses elsewhere, his attention 

The third son is simple

And doesn’t comprehend

The importance of what happened then

The youngest can’t even speak

But watches in awe

The way they break and keep Jewish law

Understanding that one day it will be his

Choice to defend or forget

But he has time, no need to fret 

haggadah Section: -- Four Children