Directions: Around the room place 5 flip chart papers, Label them at the top "Wise", "Rebellious", "Simple", "Doesn't Know" and "Not at the Table".

A week before the holiday, ask guests to write down 5 of their favorite quotes on post it notes and bring them to the seder. If that didn't happen, it's also fine to do it at the table. After reading about the 4 children, ask everyone to think about which child may have uttered their quotes then have them stick each quote on the appropriate sheet of flip chart paper. For example, "Is there more to life than being really, really, good looking" (*Derek Zoolander*) might be on the page labeled "Simple Child". 

You can then have an interesting discussion about the quotes and where each guest put their quote, and if people disagree with where the quotes are placed. For example, when Pharoah asks the midwives why they didn't kill the Israelite babies, they lied: "We're so sorry, your Majesty, but the babies are born so quickly that we never get there in time." This quote could be placed on the "Rebellious Child" page. Is it OK, in fact important, to be rebellious in certain circumstances? Should this quote be on the "Wise Child" page? 

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: Original