Our tradition speaks of four children with four attitudes towards the  pesach  seder: a wise child, a wicked child, a simple child, and a child who does not know how to ask. Tonight, we speak of four people in our queer community, and how they approach a queer and trans world.

The Wise Person: The wise one asks, "what work can we do to make our world more inclusive?"

To that person we say, "go out and make tangible changes. Do research on your own. Ask members of marginalized communities what needs their community has, and then work with those members to fight for their rights. Remember to uplift the voices of those in marginalized communities, and never to speak over them. "

The Wicked Person: The wicked one asks, "aren't we done, now that gay marriage has been legalized?" 

To that person we say, "the LGBTQ community has more members than just cisgender, White gay people, and when you separate yourself from those of us who have yet to achieve legal and social rights, you lose your place in the queer community."

The Simple Person: The simple one asks," what are we fighting for?"

To that person we say, "we are fighting for every person under the queer umbrella. Gays and lesbians. Bisexual and transgender and asexual and intersex people. Questioning youth and questioning adults. And when every person under that umbrella has achieved equal rights under the law, we will move on to other marginalized communities, because we will never forget what it feels like to have to struggle just to live. 

The Person That Doesn't Know: The person that does not yet know they are queer cannot ask anything at all. They do not yet have context for their confusing desires, their unknowable identity, their undefinable needs. 

For that person, we must create a welcoming world. We must fight for representation in media. We must display the beauty and vibrancy of a queer life. So when that person finds a label for their desires, their identity, their needs, they will see a welcoming and loving community behind it, ready to welcome them with open arms. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: Galia Godel