Traditionally we consider four different children, and how they might question the Seder, and how we might answer them:

The wise child, who asks for more instruction; The rebellious child, who doesn’t see himself as part of the proceedings and rejects the lessons of Pesach; The simple child, who does not understand; The child who does not even know yet how to ask a question.

Symbolically, these four children represent different types of Jew or participant in the Seder: The Jew who accepts and follows the traditions of Pesach; The Jew who openly rejects these traditions; The Jew who feels disconnected from these traditions because he or she doesn’t know enough about them; The Jew who is too young to decide for herself yet what she believes or wishes to follow.

Tonight, we welcome the observant Jews, who can guide us through the Seder, and teach the rest of us what it means to them; We acknowledge those who reject the traditions of Pesach, and appreciate that they still choose to be here to support their loved ones. We try to create an easy-to-follow and inclusive Seder for those who feel disconnected, and those who join us from other cultures,

And we nurture and evolve these traditions for our children and those to come, so that they too will look forward to Pesach each year.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children