As we tell the story, we think about it from all angles. Our tradition speaks of four different types of children who might react differently to the Passover seder. It is our job to make our story accessible to all the members of our community, so we think about how we might best reach each type of child. At times we all approach the Pesakh traditions from these perspectives, so, too, we practice being openminded with ourselves.

The wise child asks curiously: "What is the meaning of the rules, laws, and customs of Pesakh?"

We instruct the wise child about the observances and customs down to the last detail of the Afikomen.

The wicked child says scornfully: "What is this trouble YOU make us go through ever year?"

By "you", the child has excluded her/himself from the community. Firmly, yet compassionately, we must make this alienated one feel included. We say, "It is by love and not by score that we are redeemed."

The simple child asks innocently: "What is this all about?"

We explain to this child that, "with a might hand the Eternal brought us out of the house of slavery."

For the child who does not even know how to ask:

We explain that we celebrate Pesakh because of what The Eternal did for me when I left Egypt.

* The story of the four children is mirrored in the autumn on Sukkot when we speak of the four species of plants. A major theme in both festivals is that there are diverse types of people in our community. Each person's uniqueness is a Divine Gift, and is to be respected. As one should not exclude oneself from the community, so too should the should the community not exclude any of its members. be they women or men; Gay, lesbian, or Heterosexual, reform, Conservative, or Chassid. Each person adds to the exquisite texture of Life. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Children