The Four Children: 2018 Edition

The WISE child asks “how can we speak truth to power in ways that demonstrate commitment to intersectionality, and how can we leverage every resource we have to make the world a better place?”

To her, we say “thank you. Keep leading the way. We will follow you and support you as you continue to ask important questions.”

The WICKED child asks “what did you do to this world? What can I do about it anyway?”

To him, we say “I’m sorry. But it’ll be your world soon enough, so you better get involved.”

The SIMPLE child asks “Can you please stop killing us?”

To her, we say “Yes. We will fight for you.”

As for THE CHILD WHO CANNOT ASK, we owe it to him to fight with every fiber of our beings to make this world a better place, a more just and righteous place, a place worthy of his memory and of his siblings’ futures.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: JoJo Schwartz Jacobson