The Seder story tells of four types of young people or four ways that young people respond to the story of our struggle for freedom and unity.

One response reflects wisdom, expressing a real concern and interest. This interest inspires us to tell our stories, fully and openly.

Another response is to be rejecting and disrespectful, to say, "What does this have to do with me?" This disrespect provokes us to confront the person with the destructiveness of his/her response, how it just continues the cycle of hatred and prejudice.

A third response is a "simple" one, puzzled but interested, "What is this all about?" This response is best answered by a simple straight-forward statement of our goal: mutual respect and harmony among people of different colors, religions, and ethnic
backgrounds, and by a "simple" story of our efforts to achieve this goal.

A fourth type of response is one of total lack of awareness, of not even knowing that all of this effort is going on. ln the face of this complete lack of awareness, we need to take the first step, patiently opening up the issue of inter-group conflict and the struggle for justice.

Now is the time for us to share our stories, to reach out to each other through our own words and the words of our peoples' poets and writers, [prophets and leaders].

haggadah Section: -- Four Children