Four Children

As we tell the story, we think about it from all angles. Our tradition speaks of four different types of children who might react differently to the Passover seder. It is our job to make our story accessible to all the members of our community, so we think about how we might best reach each type of child:

What does the wise child say?

The smart-ass child (Max) asks, What are the testimonies and laws which form our celebration tonight?

This child must learnthe rules of observing the holiday of Passover. He is responsive to the insight.

What does the wicked child say?

The wicked child (the mailman who provokes Cinnamon) asks, What does this service mean to you?

To you and not to himself! Because he takes himself out of the community and misses the point, shake this downbeat child and slip him an Ativan!

What does the simple child say?

The simple child (Isaiah....duh) asks, What the hell is this all about? I think I'm stoned.

To this child, answer plainly: “With a strong hand we were taken out of Egypt, where we were slaves.”

What about the Puggle who can't speak well enough to ask a question?

Help this doggie understand why we are gathered here together for our family Seder.

Start telling the story:“It is because, with a strong hand, the Jewish people escaped from Egypt and found freedom."

haggadah Section: -- Four Children