The Four Aliens

The Ancient Scrolls of the Force speak of Four Children who Learn of the Force

What kind of children do you think you will be and why? Who do you want to be and why? Who have you been and who will you become? May the new year become a year of redemption and freedom away from the dark side to us all 

The Child of The Light Side of the Force

(Enters and sits near the leader. He is eager and earnest.)

"Master of the Force teach me everything about our Pesach...all the laws, the customs, the rituals, the forces...everything! I want to learn it all!"

The Child of the Dark Side of the Force

(Enters and Stands, glaring at the leader. He is angry and full of contempt.)

"Peace Knowledge, Serenity, Harmony. What good has the light side of the force done?!  Forget this force give me passion, strength, power, victory!"

(He sits.)

The Early One to the Force

(Enters, walks over and stands beside the leader. She is curious and perhaps a bit confused.)

Master Jedi, what does it mean?"

(The leader responds:)

"Meditate, we all do, to you We will explain."

(She sits.)

Without Knowledge of the Force

(She simply walks over to the leader and gives him a hug. The leader shows her to her place. She sits. The leader continues the seder.)

haggadah Section: -- Four Children