The Force is Split and become Yahatz

Thousand of Years Ago our People split when the Force became two halves rather than One.

The Light Side of the Force and the Dark Side of the Force.

When this happened our people from the plant of Israel need to leave quickly as Darth Pharaoh become strong with the Dark side. He tried to overtake the light side of the force. To remember this tragic time the civilization of Israel baked the snacks quickly to escape and called it Matzah.

We shall eat of this ancient bread and break the matzah to honor this tragic time in the history of the force and our people

Please Take the middle matzah and break it into two, one piece larger than the other.

The larger piece is set aside to serve as Afikoman. This is traditionally hidden, by the leader of the Seder for the children to “steal” or “find” and then ransom for a something at the end of the Seder.

The smaller piece is put back, between the two matzot. This smaller piece, along with the top matzah is what will be used for the “Motzi-Matzah” and “Korech”

haggadah Section: Yachatz