Pharaoh doesn't like how many Hebrews are in Egypt, so he enslaves them and orders their male children to be thrown into the Nile.

One day, a Hebrew boy named Moses is born, and his mother sends him down the Nile in a basket so he won’t be killed.

Pharaoh’s daughter sees Moses floating down the Nile. She brings him home, and Pharaoh raises him as his son.

When Moses is older, he sees an Egyptian whipping a slave, kills the Egyptian, and flees to Midian to escape Pharaoh’s punishment.

Moses gets married, becomes a shepherd, and grows to a ripe old age in Midian.

The Hebrews cry to G-d about the horrors of slavery, and G-d agrees to help them.

G-d, appearing the form of a burning bush, tells Moses to return to Egypt and save the Hebrews.

Moses and his family pack their bags and set out, but Moses hasn't circumcised his son, so G-d tries to kill Moses.

Moses’s wife, Zipporah, circumcises their son, so G-d stops trying to kill Moses.

Moses has a speech impediment, so when he gets to Egypt he enlists his brother Aaron to talk for him.

Moses and Aaron ask Pharaoh politely to let the Hebrews go praise G-d in the desert, but Pharaoh refuses.

Moses and Aaron ask Pharaoh again, but Pharaoh again he refuses.

Aaron throws his staff on the ground and it turns into a snake.

Pharaoh’s wizards all turn their staffs into snakes, but Aaron’s snake devours them.

Pharaoh, though frightened by this snake business, still won’t let the Hebrews go pray.

Moses and Aaron tell Pharaoh that things are going to get really bad if he doesn’t let the Hebrews go pray.

Things get really bad.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story