First Cup of Wine The Cup of Freedom 

The wine of Passover is the wine of joy, the wine of love, the wine of celebration, the wine of freedom – in times of crisis it is a very tone deaf cup of wine. 

A major tenet of radical Judaism is Tikkun Olam – healing of the world. While the pessimists among us might take this moment to reflect on how greatly we are failing this value – we have 10 years to stop climate change, there are humans beings caged in close quarters in detention centers and jails during a pandemic where space from others is key, centers to fight disease in Gaza have been intentionally bulldosed, and many of our friends and loved ones have no idea how they will pay for next weeks groceries or next month's rent. 

However, the world has been through famine, war, economic depressions, and mass disease before. In all of those times, we have ancestors who have risen to the occasion, fought for freedom, and healed the world. We have made labor laws where there were none, we have fought and beat fascism, we have joined fights for civil rights, we know how to part seas.

If you so wish, please join me in raising your glass. 

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam borei pri hagafen. 

Blessed are you Adonai, our G-d, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.

haggadah Section: Kadesh