Kadesh, the first section of the seder, is the first of four cups of wine. Why, do we begin the seder by drinking wine? It is to acknowledge our freedom. Tonight we are free from oppressors, and we are no longer in Mitzrayim. But kabbalah teaches us that only half of the moral of Passover is that freedom is great. Kabbalah also speaks of working for the gains of another. Of hard, harsh labor and Egyptians who deserve to be stripped. It teaches of the true meaning of Mitzrayim: "from narrow places". America today has become a narrow place. Many people are currently stuck in miserable working conditions, and most Americans are beneficiaries, if not perpetrators. We are given the choice to buy into modern slavery or not to, although not everyone has that choice. Passover teaches of the work we have to do, the workplaces to reform. We drink this first cup, not only to thank God for our freedom, but also to vow to do the work to never become the Egyptians.

haggadah Section: Kadesh
Source: Rabbi Howard Rose