The First Cup

Let us all fill our glasses with wine... Spring is the season of new growth and new life. Every living thing must either grow, or die.

Our bodies grow taller. Our minds and hearts growwhenwe learn new things.

Let us raise our cups in gratitude for life and forgrowing.

Together we say:

Na-eem ha-kha-yeem ba-olam  

Na-eem ha-kha-yeem ba-adam

We are awed by all life in the world.

How beautiful is the life of human beings!

Let us all now drink the first cup of wine.

Song: Heyveynu shalom aleichem

Heyveynu shalom aleichem

Heyveynu shalom aleichem

Heyveynu shalom aleichem

Heyveynu shalom, shalom, shalom aleichem!

Peace to everyone!

haggadah Section: Kadesh