Finiculi Finicula 

Some think the world is made for fun and frolic 
And so do I, and so do I 
Some think it well to be all melancholic 
To pine and sigh, to pine and sigh 
But I, I love to spend my time in singing 
Some joyous song, some joyous song 
To set the air with music bravely ringing 
Is far from wrong, is far from wrong 

Harken, harken, music sounds afar 
Harken, harken, music sounds afar 
Tralalala, tralalala, tralalala, tralalala 
Joy is everywhere - Funiculi funicula! 

Ah me! 'Tis strange that some should take to sighing 
And like it well, and like it well 
For me, I have not thought it worth the trying 
So cannot tell, so cannot tell 
With laugh and dance and song the day soon passes 
Full soon is gone, full soon is gone 
For mirth was made for joyous lads and lasses 
To call their own, to call their own 

Harken, harken, music sounds afar 
Harken, harken, music sounds afar 
Tralalala, tralalala, tralalala, tralalala 
Joy is everywhere - Funiculi funicula!

haggadah Section: Songs