In addition to the Four Questions, tonight we ask ourselves a fifth: We are commanded to celebrate as if each one of us were personally liberated from Egypt.

In the last year, how have you been liberated from bondage—and in the next year, how do you hope to bring yourself closer to your place of freedom?

IN EVERY GENERATION one is obligated to ask new questions. Though the Haggadah never explicitly makes such a demand, the Mishna does require intelligent children to ask their own questions. Naturally these will reflect their own era. Even the recommended four questions of the youngest child have changed over the generations.

For example: 

Kibbutz Ein Harod 1930’s - 1940’s:
     • Why do people all over the world hate Jews?
     • When will the Jews return to their land?
     • When will our land become a fertile garden?
     • When will there be peace and brotherhood world over?  

Lets make our own four questions as a movement and then try to answer them together. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions