What's the Meal of Moshiach?

The end of Passover holds various traditions. Some of those include gathering for Yizkor (a memorial service), some celebrate a Sephardic and North African tradition called  Mimouna, and most of us practice a sacred ritual more generally known as, carbo-loading. The Feast of Moshiach, has different interpretations but we generally recognize it as beginning in the Chassidic tradition with it's founder, the Baal Shem Tov.

The idea is that on this holiday we are as close to holy as it gets. During Pesach we honor the struggle and liberation of our people in Egypt, and now get to rejoice at the possibility that Elijah and/or the Messiah may walk through our door any minute. The haftora that lines up with this from Isaiah is particularly messianic in tone, with a utopian version of how things will be. We'll get bestowed with wisdom and insight, we'll be free of negative judgement, and all the animals will love each other and get along etc. etc. We celebrate this day in the way we might celebrate once the world is totally and finally at peace.

Today we reinterpret this holiday by using the spiritual momentum of the last week to propell us forward. We may not be able to will it so, but with our thoughts, actions, and sacrifices we can make the world a better place for all.

haggadah Section: Introduction