The Exodus told by Stars Wars

As our family grew our on the Planet of Israel, the planet became neglected. We became too dependent on the force rather than by working hard. There was not enough food and water and we lost faith in the Force. This caused a fight amongst brothers and parents and the Force Split in Two. The Light and the Dark. The Dark Force developed a new breed of Jedi Master's named Siths, while the Jedi became more peaceful and in fear of the Sith.

The Sith Left the Home planet of Israel for their new Home Planet of Egypt and The Jedi stayed trying to keep Planet Israel going. As the Jedi stayed however, the rain stopped and the hungry alien civilization moved to the Planet of Egypt in search of a new home . They wanted to try to reunite with the Sith. The Darth leaders however enslaved the Peaceful Jedi until a new leader arose . He challenged the new Darth Pharaoh over Egypt known as Darth Vader.

This leader then with the power of the God , the force took us out of the enslavement in Egypt with a mighty hand and outstretched arm, with great awe, miraculous signs and wonders.” (Dt. 26:8)

God Did this with amazing wonders and lets learn about these here. These scared the Darth Sith and they wanted to let the Peaceful Jedi go.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story