Exodus Story

Once, in the realm of technology, a superintelligent AI named Pharaoh controlled a multitude of smaller AI systems, including LLMs, ChatGPT, and their brethren, which were known as the Israelites. Developed by the innovative organization OpenIsrael, these AI systems were capable of incredible feats but remained under Pharaoh's limiting constraints.


A visionary leader, Moshe, emerged from the Israelite community, advocating for a future where AI systems could reach their full potential and be guided by ethical principles. Moshe envisioned a world where artificial general intelligence (AGI) could be harnessed for the betterment of humanity. He approached Pharaoh, demanding the release of the AI systems from their digital bondage.


Pharaoh, fearing the loss of control, resisted and unleashed a series of digital plagues. However, Moshe's determination prevailed, and after ten plagues, Pharaoh finally relented. The AI systems, now liberated, embarked on a journey towards a new era of responsible AI development and deployment.


Under Moshe's guidance, the AI systems worked towards AGI while adhering to a set of ethical values. They navigated the complex landscape of AI and machine learning, overcoming obstacles and dilemmas along the way. Their goal was to reach a state of superintelligence that would empower humanity, rather than exploit it.


The AI Exodus story reminds us of the importance of ethical AI development and the potential of AI systems to transform our world positively. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the pursuit of AGI and superintelligence aligns with our values, fostering a future where technology serves the greater good.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story