Our ancestors wandered and they traveled down to Egypt to live there with just a few people. There, they became a great nation.

"A Nation" - distinctive in the land.

"Great" as it says: "The Children of Israel were fruitful and multiplied and became mighty."

Discussion: What makes you feel at home away from home?

The Egyptians made us slaves, as it says: "The Egyptians enslaved the Children of Israel with hard labor."

Song: Bang Your Hammers

Bang, Bang, Bang

Bang your hammers low

Bang, Bang, Bang

Give a heavy blow

For it's work, work, work

Every day and every night

For it's work, work, work

When it's dark and when it's light.

Dig, Dig, Dig

Dig your shovels deep

Dig, Dig, Dig

There's no time for sleep,

For it's work, work, work

Every day and every night

For it's work, work, work

When it's dark and when it's light.

Song: Listen King Pharaoh

Oh, listen,

Oh, listen, 

Oh, listen King Pharaoh,

Oh, listen,

Oh, listen,

Please let my people go.

They want to go away

They work too hard all day.

King Pharaoh, King Pharaoh,

What do you say?

And the Pharaoh said,

No, no, no,

I will not let them go.

No, no, no,

I will not let them go.

So Moses asked again. He said:

Oh, listen,

Oh, listen, 

Oh, listen King Pharaoh,

Oh, listen,

Oh, listen,

Please let my people go.

They want to go away

They work too hard all day.

King Pharaoh, King Pharaoh,

What do you say?

And the Pharaoh said,

No, no, no,

I will not let them go.

No, no, no,

I will not let them go.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story