The story of the exodus is when we went from bondage in Egypt to freedom. When Pharaoh wanted the Jewish people to stop multiplying, he made all the Jewish mothers throw the boys in the nile. One mother, put their baby in a basket. The baby, Moses, grew up to lead the Jewish people. When Moshe asked Pharaoh to let the Jewish people go, he said no. Pharoah kept saying no until 10 plagues had been sent, and his first born son was smitten with that plague. He let the people go but then chased after them once he regretted his decision. The jewish people did not have time to make leavened bread so they had unleavened bread. (This is important because when we celebrate Passover today, we throw away all leavened products and only have unleavened.) Then, when Pharoah's soldiers got close to the Jewish people, Moshe split the sea so the Jewish people could cross into freedom, and closed it on the Egyptians. This lead us to freedom and we can celebrate this holiday in remembrance of it.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story