Long ago, Pharaoh ruled the land of Egypt. He enslaved the Jewish people and made them work very hard building his cities. 

Phaoraoh was especially cruel to Jewish children. One mother hid her baby, Moses, in a basket in the river. Pharoah's daughter found him and took him home to live in the palace.

Moses grew up. He saw the slaves working so hard. He had a fight about it and ran away to be a shepherd.

While he was looking after the sheep, he saw a bush on fire that did not burn up and heard God's voice telling him to go back to Egypt, to tell Pharoah to let the Jewish people go. 

Song: Go down Moses

When Israel was in Egypt's land, let my people go, oppressed so hard they could not stand, let my people go!

Go down Moses, way down in Egypt land, tell old Pharoah to let my people go!

When Moses went to Pharoah, he said "Let my people go". Pharaoh said "No".

So, God sent 10 plagues

Song:  The Plague Song ("This Old Man” ) by Craig Then

God sent plague number one,
Turned the Nile into blood.
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low
They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent Plague number two
Jumping frogs all over you.
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low
They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent plague number three
Swarms of gnats from head to knee.
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low
They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent plague number four
Filthy flies need we say more?
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low
They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent plague number five,
All the livestock up and died.
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low
They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent plague number six,
Boils and sores to make you sick
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low.
They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent plague number seven
Hail and lighting down from heaven.
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low
They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent plague number eight,
Locust came and they sure ate.
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low
They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent plague number nine
Total darkness all the time.
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low
They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent plague number ten
Pharaoh's son died so he gave in.
All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low
Finally Pharaoh let them go.

The people got ready to leave very quickly, so quickly that their bread didn't have time to rise; it baked into matzah.

They walked through the desert to the sea. Pharoah's soldiers chased after them. When they got to the sea, Moses held up his his staff and the sea divided.

The Jewish people walked through the sea to freedom and a new future.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story