A long long time ago, during a famine our ancestor Jacob and his family fled to Egypt where food was plentiful. His son Joseph had risen to high position in Pharaoh’s court. How he got there is a story for another time. Our people were well-respected and well-regarded immigrants , secure in the power structure of the time.

Generations passed and our people remained in Egypt. In time, our numbers grew and we became a nation within a nation. Speaking a different language and having a different god was too much for the new Pharaoh. We were a valuable part of the economy, so expulsion or genocide was not an option. In order to control us the Pharaoh ordered our people enslaved and decreed that all Hebrew baby boys be killed. Two midwives placed a newborn baby in a basket and floated him down the Nile. He was found, and adopted, by Pharaoh’s daughter, who named him Moses because she drew him forth from the water and was raised him as a Prince of Egypt.

As Moses grew, he became aware of the slaves who worked in the brickyards. When he saw an overseer mistreat a slave, Moses struck the overseer and killed him. He fled into the desert. Moses encountered a burning bush in the desert, and a Voice called him to lead the Hebrew people to freedom. Moses argued with that Voice, pleading inadequacy, but the Voice disagreed seeing potential where Moses felt fear.

Moses returned to Egypt and went to Pharaoh to argue the injustice of slavery. "Let my people go!" he demanded. Pharaoh refused, and Moses warned him that his cruelty would cause great suffering. These threats were not idle; ten terrible plagues were unleashed upon the Egyptians. Only when his nation lay in ruins did Pharaoh agree to our liberation.

Fearful that Pharaoh would change his mind, our people fled. Our people did not leave Egypt alone; a “mixed multitude” went with them. From this we learn that liberation is not for us alone, but for all the people of the earth. Even Pharaoh’s daughter came with us.

Pharaoh’s army followed us to the Sea of Reeds. We plunged into the waters and the waters parted for us.  Pharaoh’s army drowned, and so, our liberation is bittersweet because people died in our pursuit. To this day we relive our liberation, that we may not become complacent, that we may always rejoice in our freedom.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story