(We celebrate the successful ingathering of Ethiopian Jews in the State of Israel for which they prayed and waited for so many years.  We shall not forget their oppression and the modern miracle of their redemption even as they are rapidly becoming mainstream Israelis. We also want to preserve their heritage of values and liturgy.)   Do not separate me, O Lord, from the chosen From the joy, from the light, from the splendor, Let me see, O Lord, the light of Israel, And let me listen to the words of the just While they speak about the Law. To teach fear of Thee, O Lord, King forever. Thou are blessed, O Lord, be merciful to me. By day be Thou my shepherd, and my guardian at night. When I walk be my guide, when I sit be my guardian. When I call Thee, keep Thou not silent. I love Thee, hate me not; I have confidence in Thee, Abandon me no
haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: Foundation for Family Education, Inc.